*todo.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2021 Dec 30 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar TODO list for Vim *todo* This is a veeeery long list of known bugs, current work and desired improvements. To make it a little bit accessible, the older items are grouped by subject. In the first column of the line a classification is used to be able to look for "the next thing to do": Priority classification: 9 next point release 8 next release 7 as soon as possible 6 soon 5 should be included 4 nice to have 3 consider including 2 maybe not 1 probably not - unclassified *votes-for-changes* See |develop.txt| for development plans. You can vote for which items should be worked on, but only if you sponsor Vim development. See |sponsor|. Issues can also be entered online: https://github.com/vim/vim/issues Only use this for bug reports, not for questions! Those belong on the maillist. Updates will be forwarded to the |vim_dev| maillist. Issues entered there will not be repeated below, unless there is extra information. The #1234 numbers refer to an issue or pull request on github. To see it in a browser use: https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/1234 (replace 1234 with the issue/pull number) *known-bugs* -------------------- Known bugs and current work ----------------------- Once Vim9 is stable: - Add the "vim9script" feature, can use has('vim9script') Remove TODO in vim9.txt - Add all the error numbers in a good place in documentation. - Use Vim9 for runtime files. Further Vim9 improvements, possibly after launch: - Check performance with callgrind and kcachegrind. - better implementation for partial and tests for that. - Compile options that are an expression, e.g. "expr:" in 'spellsuggest', 'foldexpr', 'foldtext', 'printexpr', 'diffexpr', 'patchexpr', 'charconvert', 'balloonexpr', 'includeexpr', 'indentexpr', 'formatexpr'. Give an error if compilation fails. (#7625) Alternatively: Detect a compiled function call and skip the expression evaluation. Use the location where the option was set for deciding whether it's to be evaluated in Vim9 script context. - implement :type, "import type" - implement :enum, "import enum". - implement :class and :interface: See |vim9-classes| - For range: make table of first ASCII character with flag to quickly check if it can be a Vim9 command. E.g. "+" can, but "." can't. - Inline call to map() and filter(), better type checking. - Make accessing varargs faster: arg[expr] EVAL expr LOADVARARG (varargs idx) - When evaluating constants for script variables, some functions could work: has(featureName), len(someString) - Implement as part of an expression: ++expr, --expr, expr++, expr--. Update list of features to vote on: - multiple cursors - built-in LSP support Popup windows: - Preview popup not properly updated when it overlaps with completion menu. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, 2021 May 22 - In some cases prop_remove() does not work correctly. (#8261) - Add a flag to make a popup window focusable? CTRL-W P cycle over any preview window or focusable popup, end up back in current window. ? - switch between current window and all popup windows Esc in popup window goes back to previous current window - Add a termcap entry for changing the cursor when it goes under the popup and back. like t_SI and t_EI (t_SU and t_EU, where "U" means under?) - With terminal in popup, allow for popup_hide() to temporarily hide it.? - Make it possible to scroll horizontally when 'wrap' is off. Does this require an ascii scrollbar, like with the vertical one? - Fire some autocommand event after a new popup window was created and positioned? PopupNew? Could be used to set some options or move it out of the way. (#5737) However, it may also cause trouble, changing the popup of another plugin. - Width is not computed correctly when minwidth and maxwidth are &columns and padding and a scrollbar are used. (#6676) - Should popup_getoptions() also return the mask? #7774 - Add a way to use popup_menu() synchronously: instead of invoking the callback, return the choice. (Ben Jackson, #6534) - Use popup (or popup menu) for command line completion - When using a popup for the info of a completion menu, and there is not enough space, let the popup overlap with the menu. (#4544) - Implement flip option. - Make redrawing more efficient and avoid flicker: - put popup menu also in popup_mask? - Match does not have right BG color if line length equals popup width. (#5658) - Any other commands to disable in a popup window? Use ERROR_IF_POPUP_WINDOW for these. - Figure out the size and position better if wrapping inserts indent Text properties: - property is overruled by cursorline. (#8225). Add better control over priority? Make list of all highlighting, specify where property fits in. Or Should we let the textprop highlight overrule other (e.g. diff) highlight if the priority is above a certain value? (#7392) - Popup attached to text property stays visible when text is deleted with "cc". (#7737) "C" works OK. "dd" also files in a buffer with a single line. - Auto-indenting may cause highlighting to shift. (#7719) - "cc" does not call inserted_bytes(). (Axel Forsman, #5763) - Combining text property with 'cursorline' does not always work (Billie Cleek, #5533) - See remarks at top of src/textprop.c 'incsearch' with :s: - :s/foo using CTRL-G moves to another line, should not happen, or use the correct line (it uses the last but one line) (Lifepillar, Aug 18, #3345) - Also support range: :/foo/,/bar/delete - Also support for user command, e.g. Cfilter - :%s/foo should take the first match below the cursor line, unless there isn't one? Then :%s?foo should take the first match above the cursor line. Prompt buffer: - Add a command line history, using up/down keys. issue #5010 - delay next prompt until plugin gives OK? - add prompt_addtext({buf}, {expr}) none add text to a prompt buffer Terminal debugger: - Make prompt-buffer variant work better. - Add option to not open the program window. It's not used when attaching to an already running program. (M. Kelly) - When only gdb window exists, on "quit" edit another buffer. - Use a sign group - Termdebug does not work when Vim was built with mzscheme: gdb hangs just after "run". Everything else works, including communication channel. Not initializing mzscheme avoid the problem, thus it's not some #ifdef. - Add support for lldb? issue #3565 - Could we do something similar for debugging Vim scripts? At least see the script while stepping through it. Simple version would use an extra window. More complete solution would actually run Vim in a Terminal and control it with another Vim instance. Terminal emulator window: - Can escape a terminal popup with win_gotoid(), should be an error - No support for underline color, t_8u. - When in terminal-Normal mode when the job finishes, the cursor jumps to the end but the window is not updated. This only happens when typing "a". :term bash -c "for V in {0..5}; do echo $V; sleep 1; done" - When started with ":terminal ++close" and the shell exits but there is a background process, the window remains open, because the channel still exists (and output still shows). Perhaps close the window when an explicit ++close was used? (#5931) - Using "CTRL-W :confirm quite" and selecting "yes" should work like ":quit!". (Harm te Hennepe, #6129) - When the job in the terminal doesn't use mouse events, let the scroll wheel scroll the scrollback, like a terminal does at the shell prompt. #2490 A bit like using CTRL-W N first. Jump back like with "a" when any key is typed. And use modeless selection. #2962 - Use CTRL-W CTRL-K to enter a digraph? #5371 - When Vim runs in the terminal and changes the title, the statusline needs to be redrawn. - GUI: When using ":set go+=!" a system() call causes the hit-enter prompt. (#3327) - Allow for specifying the directory, with ++cwd={dir}. - When pasting should call vterm_keyboard_start_paste(), e.g. when using K_MIDDLEMOUSE, calling insert_reg(). - Users expect parsing the :term argument like a shell does, also support single quotes. E.g. with: :term grep 'alice says "hello"' (#1999) - Win32: Redirecting input does not work, half of Test_terminal_redir_file() is disabled. - Win32: Redirecting output works but includes escape sequences. - Win32: Make terminal used for :!cmd in the GUI work better. Allow for redirection. - When the job only outputs lines, we could handle resizing the terminal better: store lines separated by line breaks, instead of screen lines, then when the window is resized redraw those lines. - Redrawing is slow with Athena and Motif. (Ramel Eshed) - For the GUI fill termios with default values, perhaps like pangoterm: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~leonerd/pangoterm/trunk/view/head:/main.c#L134 - When 'encoding' is not utf-8, or the job is using another encoding, setup conversions. When using 'cryptmethod' xchaha20 the undo file is not encrypted. Need to handle extra bytes. Test_communicate_ipv6(): is flaky on many systems Fails in line 64 of Ch_communicate, no exception is thrown. Patch for Template string: #4634 Have another look at the implementation. Add expanding